Help Hawaii Ban Styrofoam!
TAKE ACTION: Submit your written testimony in SUPPORT of measure SB 2498, which will initiate a statewide ban on foamed polystyrene (styrofoam) in Hawai’i. Foamed polystyrene cannot be recycled and accumulates in our landfills, oceans, and beaches. Our marine life ingest it and it blocks their digestion, causing them to starve. Marine debris in Hawaiian cetaceans continues to amplify strandings, with polystyrene foam making up parts of huge masses in their stomachs that prevent them from absorbing nutrients and enflames their organs. Polystyrene floats, becomes part of larger debris in the ocean, and entangles marine life like sea turtles, sharks, and dolphins. The toxic chemicals in polystyrene leach into the food it contains, and can cause cancer, neurotoxicity, and endocrine disruption. Polystyrene is an environmental and human health hazard. Hundreds of cities and counties have banned polystyrene foam, including Maui, @cityofmalibu, San Francisco, and Big Island. Please help make Hawai’i the first STATE to be foam-free!
You can read the full bill here!
-Keiko Conservationist Carissa Cabrera
E-mail with the subject line "In Support of SB2498" and tell Hawaii's legislatures why you believe Hawaii should ban styrofoam! It can be a few words or a few pages, whatever you'd like! You can also attach a PDF if you'd rather do that!
Today is the last day to submit written testimonies for this hearing and we need as many as possible! So spread the word and encourage your friends and family to do the same!