Ways you can help marine wildlife without even having to leave home! We've compiled some of our favorite action alerts from partners and other organizations around the world.
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Thank you to everyone who took action to make the following possible!
The UK has enacted a law banning shark finning!
Fins can no longer be imported/exported in the United Kingdom! Additionally, the sale of products containing shark fins is also now prohibited in the UK!
Royal Air Maroc announced they will not fly shark fins in their cargo!
The #StopFinningEU movement surpassed the required 1 million votes!
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House Bill 553 was signed into law, prohibiting the purposeful killing of sharks in Hawaiian state waters!
54 species of requiem sharks and 6 species of hammerhead sharks were added to CITES Appendix II!
The tireless efforts of the Shark Guardian team has led to the UK announcing they will ban the import and export of shark fins!
The Japanese reality TV show that intended to hunt tiger sharks in Hawai’i has withdrawn their plans!
A sushi restaurant chain in Russia with over 500 locations took shark meat off their menu!