ACTION ALERT: The Stop Finning EU Team Needs Your Help
ACTION ALERT: Stop Finning EU Needs Your Help
Nombres Engañosos Para Los Tiburones
En todo el mundo, la carne de tiburón ha sido etiquetada con muchos nombres diferentes, lo que lleva a que los consumidores la compren y la coman sin saber realmente qué carne es y qué tan tóxica puede ser. Aquí hay una lista de algunos de los nombres usados en diferentes países del mundo con los que se etiqueta a la carne de tiburón.
Misleading Names For Shark Meat: Could You Be Unknowingly Eating Shark?
Shark meat is commonly labeled under many different names. This leads to consumers purchasing and eating it without knowledge of what they're actually eating or how toxic it can be. Here's a list of some of the common names shark meat is sold under around the world.
Two More Deaths At Sea Life Park: 143 Total
We're sad to hear that two more dolphins have died at Sea Life Park this year bringing the total up to 143.